Hibiscus Cooling Powder


A hydrating, body cooling powder that supports your heart and gentle cleanses your digestive system.

I created this product two years ago when one summer I was farming and just was so unbelievably over heated, stomach cramps, feeling overwhelmed, and just in general sluggish.

I needed something to throw in my water bottle and drink like iced tea to keep me super cool and hydrated!

1 TSP in water + honey if you like things a tad bit sweet shaken vigorously.

Hibiscus is absolutely cooling and packed with antioxidants

Hawthorn is for your sweet sweet heart. Supporting healthy circulation and cardiovascular function

Gentle Tulsi is stress reducing and a serotonin dopamine balanacer. Pain relieving, anti inflammatory, antioxidant, + antiaging

Lemon Balm shes strong and basic improving your mood and enhancing your cognitive function.


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